Name & Logo Terms of Use

USA Clay Target League® Trademark Use Guidelines
These Trademark Guidelines are prepared by the USA Clay Target League (hereinafter referred to as “the Clay Target League “) and set out rules for high school, college, and homeschool teams, clubs, and other organizations participating in Clay Target League events who wish to use the Clay Target League trademarks, service marks, logos, or images (referred to generally as the “Clay Target League marks”). The Clay Target League marks include but are not limited to “USA Clay Target League,” “USA College Clay Target League,” “USA High School Clay Target League,” “Minnesota State High School Clay Target League,” “MNSHSCTL”, “TRUE TEAM”, “TRUE TEAM SCORING”, and any other USA Clay Target League programs, logos, designs, slogans, taglines, etc.
The Clay Target League’s trademarks, service marks, trade names, and trade dress are valuable assets of the Clay Target League. By following these guidelines, you help us protect our valuable trademark rights and strengthen our corporate and brand identities. Thank you for caring about the Clay Target League brand!
The objective of these trademark guidelines is to ensure that the trademark rights of Clay Target League are not violated by inappropriate or unauthorized use and that the Clay Target League marks remain reliable indicators of source and quality of the goods and services provided by the Clay Target League. These guidelines include an explanation of when and how you may use the Clay Target League marks without our written authorization.
Unauthorized use of the Clay Target League marks or marks that are confusingly similar may constitute an infringement of the Clay Target League trademark rights and are strictly prohibited. Use of the Clay Target League marks for commercial purposes (for example, on products, labels or packaging) without a prior, separate, written consent of the Clay Target League constitute trademark infringement and unfair competition in violation of federal and state laws.
The Clay Target League reserves the right to review all usage of the Clay Target League marks and to terminate any authorization to use within its sole discretion. Further, the Clay Target League may change these guidelines at its sole discretion at any time and the changes shall be effective as of the date of change.
By using a Clay Target League mark, in whole or in part, you are acknowledging the rights of the Clay Target League in those marks as the sole owner of those mark and you are promising that you will not interfere with the Clay Target League’s rights. Your use is also an indication that you agree not to use the Clay Target League marks in a descriptive or generic way, and you agree not to challenge the Clay Target League rights in its marks, including but not limited to its trademark applications and registrations, on any grounds. Your use also indicates that you agree that you will not acquire any rights in the Clay Target League marks and that any goodwill generated by your use of the Clay Target League marks inures solely to the benefit of the Clay Target League. Except for the limited rights to use, as expressly permitted under these guidelines, no other rights of any kind are granted hereunder, by implication or otherwise. If you have any questions regarding these guidelines, please talk to your Clay Target League representative or submit your query to the Clay Target League through our website contact page.
You will need separate written permission from us to use the Clay Target League marks: (i) for any commercial use, including but not limited to merchandising purposes (e.g. T‐shirts, mugs); (ii) for use on or in relation to any copyrighted work of the Clay Target League; or (iii) for use in an attention‐getting or a branding manner.
The following statement must be used in all materials using the Clay Target League marks, including but not limited to websites, publications, splash screens, screenshots or in documentation: The following marks: (replace this parenthetical with an identification of the specific marks being used) are trademarks or service marks of the Clay Target League, in the United States and other countries, and are used with the Clay Target League’s permission. We are not affiliated with, endorsed or sponsored by the Clay Target League, or the Clay Target League community.”
General Information Concerning Use Of A Mark
- Trademarks are adjectives used to modify nouns; the noun is the generic name of a product or service.
- As adjectives, trademarks may not be used in the plural or possessive form.
- An appropriate generic term must appear after the trademark the first time it appears in a printed piece, and as often as is reasonable after that.
- Always spell and capitalize trademarks exactly as they are used by the Clay Target League. Do not shorten or abbreviate any Clay Target League mark. Do not make up names that contain Clay Target League marks.
Permitted Use
You may include on your communications or webpages a link to the Clay Target League website at for the purpose of directing your visitors to the Clay Target League website, so long as the linking is not done in a manner that implies affiliation with, sponsorship by, or endorsement by the Clay Target League.
We have created a Clay Target League patch for those who wish to show their support for the Clay Target League competitions and for other Clay Target League community oriented efforts. You are welcome to use the patches and display them on your website so long as you otherwise comply with these guidelines
A copy of the approved Clay Target League logo is located below. Only a copy of this logo is an approved use subject to the other limitations of these guidelines. The Clay Target League may modify this logo from time to time and without prior notice, so we recommend that you refer to this link on a regular basis.
The following requirements set forth the rules that must be followed for permitted use or display of the Clay Target League marks:
- the Clay Target League’s marks must appear distinct and separate from your company or product name;
- reference to the Clay Target League or its marks must not create a sense of endorsement, sponsorship, or false association with the Clay Target League;
- an approved product or service descriptor must follow Clay Target League’s marks ‐ never vary the spelling, hyphenation or spacing of any portion of the Clay Target League marks;
- use of the Clay Target League marks only as an adjective and not as a verb or noun or in possessive or plural form, and;
- scale the size of the Clay Target League marks to suit your needs, but you may not modify any of the Clay Target League marks or patches in any other way (such as by changing the design or color or the relative proportions of the elements which comprise the logo, modifying the logo or design, or adding or deleting any words).
Incorrect Use
The following are examples of unauthorized uses of the Clay Target League marks:
- using the Clay Target League marks in an attention‐getting or branding manner, or used as part of a product or service name;
- incorporating the Clay Target League logo(s) into any other logo or design;
- using the Clay Target League marks in a way that suggests that you or your company, product, website, service, or organization are approved, sponsored, affiliated or endorsed with the Clay Target League or its products or services in any way without prior written approval from the Clay Target League;
- displaying the Clay Target League marks on any website that disparages the Clay Target League or its products or services, infringes any Clay Target League intellectual property or other rights, or violates any law or regulation;
- framing or altering the website;
- using the Clay Target League marks or any other graphic, symbol or logo in a manner that disparages the Clay Target League, or damages the brand integrity, including use of the Clay Target League marks in a manner that is, in the Clay Target League opinion, offensive, defamatory, illegal or unethical; and
- using trademarks, logos, derivatives, variations, foreign language equivalents, abbreviations, or other content that is confusingly similar to the Clay Target League marks, Clay Target League ‐owned graphics, symbols or any logos.
The preceding examples are illustrative rather than an exhaustive list of types of unauthorized uses of the Clay Target League marks. All rights not explicitly granted in these guidelines are expressly reserved by the Clay Target League.
Logo Downloads & Questions
If you have any questions, or if you would like to use a logo please contact us.